Completed -
All primary systems have been returned to service. Pawsey staff are still working on ancillary services, which we hope to have operational soon.
Setonix was returned to service last night. It has been updated to the latest available "Extended Support" version of the Cray Operating System which provides bug fixes and security patches.
The 2022.11 Pawsey software stack has been removed from /software as per normal operating procedures.
The CARTA service provided by the Setonix system is one of the ancillary services being worked on.
The purge policy on /scratch will be reinstated at 5 PM, Friday 7th February 2025. Any file which hasn't been accessed in 21 days will be removed.
Thank you for your patience. If you require any assistance, please reach out to use via
And a big shout out to the CSIRO Building staff. You guys are rock stars.
Feb 6, 09:00 AWST
Update -
Acacia (Projects and Ingest), Banksia, Nimbus and ASKAP filesystems (ingest and buffer) have all been returned to service.
The ASKAP ingest cluster is being powered on.
HPE are powering up Setonix after performing mechanical maintenance on the system. We have no ETA when Pawsey will be handed the system
Feb 5, 12:11 AWST
Update -
Networking and core services have been restored. The Pawsey Team are currently starting up additional services.
Feb 5, 09:17 AWST
Update -
Pawsey staff have been let back in the building. Networking and core services are being brought online.
Feb 4, 16:20 AWST
In progress -
Scheduled maintenance is currently in progress. We will provide updates as necessary.
Feb 3, 12:00 AWST
Update -
Mandatory annual testing of the High Voltage equipment at the Pawsey Centre will be performed next week (4th February 2025).
Pawsey will start shutting down all services housed in the Pawsey Centre starting at 12 PM on the 3rd February 2025. This is to preserve the integrity of the data in our storage system and reduce the risk of damage to equipment.
By 5 PM Monday (3rd February 2025) all Pawsey Supercomputing Centre services will be unavailable.
We will start returning services as soon as we get the all clear from CBIS, starting on Wednesday, 5th February 2025.
Jan 28, 15:34 AWST
Scheduled -
Mandatory Annual testing of the Site Main Electrical ACB Switches and High Voltage equipment will be performed on the 4th February 2025.
Pawsey will shutdown all services housed in the Pawsey Centre starting at 12 PM on the 3rd February 2025. This is to preserve the integrity of the data in our storage system and reduce the risk of damage to equipment.
During this time all Pawsey Supercomputing Centre services will be unavailable.
We will start returning services as soon as we get the all clear from CBIS, starting on Wednesday, 5th February 2025.
Jan 6, 10:34 AWST