Get webhook notifications whenever Pawsey Supercomputing Research Centre creates an incident, updates an incident, resolves an incident or changes a component status.
Update - Currently, Data Portal and pshell users may be experiencing unusually long wait times downloading files from banksia. This will sometimes end in errors (eg timeout or content not available) however the banksia scheduler will still eventually bring the files back online and you will be able to download when trying again a day or so after the initial attempt. We are currently investigating this with the vendor as a potential scheduler issue.
Jan 23, 2025 - 14:47 AWST
Update - We have resolved most of the instability between Mediaflux and the tape storage system. Some minor issues remain which we are continuing to monitor and work on.
Dec 18, 2024 - 13:39 AWST
Update - Work continues with two Vendors to get this resolved. We will be making and testing some recommended steps today to see if this can be completely resolved.
Dec 13, 2024 - 07:57 AWST
Update - A setting was adjusted on the Mediaflux server and this has improved success rate for obtaining files however some issues still remain which we are still investigating with the vendor.
Dec 12, 2024 - 08:02 AWST
Investigating - We are aware of an issue that may be affecting some users attempting file transfers with Mediaflux (data portal and pshell.) It is currently being investigated.
Dec 11, 2024 - 11:44 AWST
April Maintenance has been pushed back a week to support the staged upgrade of Setonix to the next "Extended Support Release". The first step is to upgrade the Slingshot fabric manager to the latest supported release which will provide HPE advanced monitoring capabilities and the ability to replace faulty Slingshot switches while the fabric is in production. The version of Slingshot Host Software running on Setonix nodes will not be upgraded at this stage, but will be upgraded as part of the Cray Operating System upgrade scheduled for later in the year.
As HPE engineers who will be performing the upgrade are in a different time zone to Perth, maintenance is currently scheduled to start at 5 PM, 7 April 2025. Pawsey is currently working with HPE to lock in timings and minimise the amount of downtime for Setonix.
To minimise impact to researchers, all other Pawsey maintenance will be conducted on Tuesday April 8th 2025. Further details will be provided next week.
If you have any questions, please reach out to Posted on
Mar 25, 2025 - 09:15 AWST
Resolved -
Writes have been re-enabled for the 4 OSTs that were previously 100% full. /scratch is now back to it's normal configuration.
Mar 27, 09:05 AWST
Monitoring -
Bulk deletion of older files from /scratch (see the policy at has increased the free capacity of the flash pool to over 100 TB. Individual OSTs within this pool are still between 90 and 95% full and researchers are requested to delete any unneeded files from /scratch to prevent jobs failing when they cannot write output.
Mar 27, 05:56 AWST
Investigating -
The /scratch filesystem used by setonix is composed of two pools - a high performance flash component, and a much larger but slower disk component. The flash pool is presently 98% full with some individual OSTs having only a few tens of GB free. While there is still plenty of capacity (over 3PB) free on the disk pool, users may see jobs fail with write errors, especially if they are overriding the default striping applied by Pawsey.
Mar 26, 04:35 AWST